Pain Relief for Sports Injury, Shoulder Pain, Hip Pain, Tight Muscles and more…

What is Rossiter: Pain be Gone!

Pain relief is where we can help you! The Rossiter System is is one of the most powerful methods for structural pain relief and prevention of structural pain. It is a two person pin and stretching technique targeting the pain and restriction of movement at its source, the connective tissue system. ​The coach uses their foot to anchor strategic points in the tissue whilst the client performs simple exercises to release connective tissue and relieve pain and increase mobility. The client is always fully in charge of the session and results are generally instantaneous and profound. The Rossiter system is different because you can stretch your body from the inside out with the help of a certified Rossiter coach.


How Can This Help Me: Pain Relief From Head to Toe!

Pain ReliefThe Rossiter System works on the connective tissue  or fascia in the body. Fascia is head to toe, It surrounds our muscles, it keeps our organs in place, it adds structure to our body. The entire fascia system is connected in ONE piece like a 3D spider web. Our painful muscles are usually a result of tight fascia, so targeting the fascia at strategic points can result in head to toe pain relief. We work with the following areas of the body to relive tension and pain…Neck, Shoulder, elbows, wrist, lower back, hips, glutes, knees, foot, quad, hamstring, hand, foot. Rossiter can help resolve the following aliments….Neck Stiffness, Headaches, shoulder pain, knots, Plantar fasciaitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel, achilles heel, groin pain, back pain, tendonitis……etc

Who Can Benefit: Everyone!

If you have structural pain Rossiter can help you. Whether you are physically active or not the Rossiter system is a powerful way to relive and prevent pain with no medications, no splints, injections or risky surgery. Tight connective tissue or fascia is the source of stress, immobility and pain in the body. Lower back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain are all quick and easy targets to get rid of pain in those and many other areas. We use a body wide “locking technique and weight work to loosen tight tissues with unprecedented speed and safety with profound results. As athletes releasing the fascia releases the muscle so the muscle can work harder, releasing the fascia gives a greater range of motion, releasing the fascia gets you out of pain so your sport is more enjoyable. For non athletes, getting out of pain makes life less stressful and enjoyable and allows you to participate in everything you want to do! See what some of my clients are saying about Rossiter adjustments?

About our Rossiter Coach

Susanne DonovanI am a dedicated Rossiter coach, trained by the creator Richard Rossiter. I have always had a great interest in health and well being, nutrition and fitness. I have two very athletic children who are both very competitive and at the top of their sports. Both get injured. My son a soccer player pulled a groin muscle and with traditional Physiotherapy was out of the game sometimes 4 -6 weeks. I discovered Rossiter from a friend and realized through the Rossiter system he could return within a week. The Rossiter System is simple and very logical and appealed to me. I trained to help my kids when they got injured or to stretch them out before an important meet or game. Once I realized I could help people out of pain I was hooked and now practice to help others and love my work.